Microsoft Authenticator Enrollment Method
1. First Time Registration
Before using the Self Service Password Reset service, you need to register your KBR account through the Microsoft Portal.
By setting up your ID security information now, you can verify who you are when you sign in to reset your password in the future.
During registration, choose 2 of the following methods to set up and verify your identity for future password resets:
• Use an Authenticator App to verify account, or
• Have the security code sent via email, or
• Receive a phone call or text on your office or alternate phone number, to be provided with a security code, or
• Answer security questions
2. Modify Registration Credentials
If you have already registered and your credentials have changed (for example, you receive a new cell phone or personal email address and need to change your verification information, or if you wish to change your default verification method):
1. Log in by selecting your KBR email address.
When prompted, enter your network password.

1. Sign In:
Enter your company email address and click Next.

2. You will be prompted using your default verification method (for example, a text sent to your cellphone) used when you registered.
Note: the method used each time you log in is the method set as your default. You can change your default by following the next steps.

2. Enter Password
Enter your network password and click Sign In.

3. Once you are logged in successfully, your current settings will be displayed.
Note the default method shown on the “Change default” line.

4. To change settings on an existing verification method, click the pencil to edit.

3. You may receive a “Stay Signed in?” prompt
Click “Yes” to proceed, if you are on a company laptop.

5. To remove an existing verification method, click the “X” to remove.
After removing a method, click on Add security info to select a new method (a minimum of 2 methods must be set up).

4. By setting up your ID security info now, you can make sure you can prove who you are when you sign in or reset your password in the future.
At the prompt to “verify your contact info”, click verify now.

6. To change your default verification method, click on Change default.
The default method will be used each time you log in to reset or unlock your password when using the Self Service Password Reset tool.
* It is not recommended to choose your Office phone as the default method, since you may be out of the office when using the reset tool.

5. Verification Options
You will be provided several options used to verify your account.
Select which two methods you prefer by clicking on Choose security info.
The options are:
• Use an Authenticator App to verify account, or
• Receive a phone call or text on your office or alternate phone number, to
be provided with a security code, or
• Have the security code sent via email, or
• Answer security questions

7. When finished, close the browser window or select your name in the upper right corner and choose Sign Out.

5a. Option 1: Using the Authenticator App
Click Next, or “I want to use a different authenticator app”.

Setup Authenticator App, click Next.

Pair your device with App.
Scan the QR code and click Next, or select Can’t scan the QR code.

Complete Authenticator set up by clicking Done when prompted.

5b. Option 2: Using Authentication Email
Click the down-arrow to the left of Email to open the dialog box.

Click Set up under Email in order to enter your Email address.

Enter your email address in the Authentication Email field and click Next.
*Note: This email address must be different than the email address you logged in with. Use a personal email address.

Check your email messages and enter the verification code from the message, then click Done.
This completes Email verification setup.

5c. Option 3: Using Alternate Phone Verification
Select your country or region, enter your phone number and click Call me or Text me a code.
A numeric code will be sent to your phone.

Enter the code sent to your phone then click Done.
If the code is valid, you will be returned to the previous screen.
This completes phone verification.

5d. Option 4: Security Questions
Pick up to 5 security questions from the drop downs and enter answers (Answer must be at least 3 characters long) and click Done.